After high school Patrick attended Niagara University and was an accomplished baseball player. He graduated in 1917 and then enlisted in World War I attending Camp Rathbun for flight training and then departing for his base at Port Meadow, Oxford, England. He was posted to France in July of 1918 and went on to score 5 victories before being shot down and captured by the Germans. He was repatriated at the end of the war.
In the early 1920's he relocated to Montreal and attended McGill University, taught high school classes and worked in the advertising department of the Canadian Pacific Railroad. On Dec 10, 1925 he married Leonarda Gallagher in St Michaels RC Church in Montreal. In 1933 the family relocated to Cleveland, Ohio the hometown of Leonarda where Patrick remained until his death. He died on Oct 31, 1952 and is buried in Calvary Cemetery in Cleveland.
Parents of Patrick S Manley:
Edward Manley (1861-1928)
Margaret Boylan (1862-1928)
Children of Patrick S Manley:
Edward Arthur (1926-?)
Edith Margaret (1928-1958)
John Vincent (1930-1988)
Narda Patricia (1931-2007)
Alicia Ann (1932-2006)
Patrick Arthur (1934-2011)
View Patrick's Bio at the Aerodrome.com