Ancestor Approved

Another award is making the rounds among the Geneablogging community. Many thanks to Southwest Arkie for passing along the "Ancestor Approved" award to me. I would send it back to you but I know you've already got it. Thanks also to Ancestors Live Here who initiated this award.

My instructions are to list ten things I have learned about any of my ancestors that has surprised, humbled, or enlightened me and to then pass the award along to ten other bloggers whom I feel are doing their ancestors proud so here goes...

1. Surprised to discover that I have a Great Grand Aunt, Mary Flynn who became a Mother Superior (Mother Monica) and founded St. Joseph's Hospital in Thunder Bay, Ontario.

2. Surprised to learn that my paternal surname, Manley was actually Munnelly before my 2x Great Grandparents came to Canada from Ireland.

3. Surprised to uncover the story of my Great Grand Uncle, Hugh Manley who died as a result of injuries he received while performing a heroic act to prevent a boiler explosion in a school full of children and that a High School in Chicago is named in his memory.

4. Humbled to learn that my 2x Great Grandparents were part of the mass exodus from Ireland during the potato famine of the 19th century and the struggles and challenges they faced.

5. Humbled to discover that I have a Great Grand Uncle, Roger Manley/Munnelly who was born and died at the immigration center known as Grosse Ile in Quebec and that his name is listed on the memorial wall with other Irish famine victims.

6. Humbled to have been able to travel to Ireland and visit the ancestral homeland of my 2x Great Grandparents in County Mayo.

7. Enlightened to learn how many Ancestor's I have that arrived in Canada as United Empire Loyalist's (UEL's) during the time of the Revolutionary War and that there might also be Patriot's from the same families.

8. Enlightened to realize that my maternal line, Vine that originated in England is almost all American and that I have cousins all across the United States from this line. Only two out of ten children settled in Canada and of course, I am descended from one of them.

9. Enlightened to learn the occupations of my male ancestors. My paternal ancestors were mainly involved in the construction and dredging projects of the St. Lawrence Seaway and the Welland Canal while my maternal ancestors were largely Farmers and Butchers.

10. Enlightened to have discovered the geographic origins of many of my family lines in England. I now have several little English villages to visit spread across the United Kingdom.

I'm passing the ''Ancestor Approved'' Award to these blogs that do a phenomenal job of telling their Ancestors stories...if you're not following them yet, you should be!
  1. On a Flesh and Bone Foundation: An Irish History
  2. They that go down to the sea
  3. Finding Our Ancestors
  4. Family Stories
  5. Desperately Seeking Surnames
  6. Lessons From My Ancestors
  7. Reconnected Roots
  8. Dreaming About Home
  9. Gen Wish List
  10. Kinfolk News

© 2010 Kindred Footprints


  1. Thanks cousin for passing on the award!

  2. Hi Karen, Thanks for passing on the award! It's much appreciated!

  3. Hi Sharon, I'm having a barking mad day! Wanted to give you the Ancestor Approved Award this morning, but couldn't post my list because of technical difficulties. I received it from Carol at Reflections from the Fence yesterday, and you gave it to me this afternoon (Thank You), and so of course you already have it. Ahhhhhhhhhh! Sorry about that! Cheers! Jennifer

  4. Sharon, can we pretend we are cousins? *lol* Thanks!!

  5. Good morning Sharon, Many thanks for the award. You are such a supportive mentor! --Laura

  6. Very nice!

    May you keep sharing your ancestor stories!

    Bill ;-)
    Author of "Back to the Homeplace"
